Journal Articles
López-Millán B, Benavides FG, Ramada JM, Serra C, Serra L, Utzet M (2025). COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Sickness Absences Among Healthcare Workers: A Cohort Study in a Spanish Hospital (2018-2023). Med. Lav. 2025, 116(1). Available from:
Ayala-Garcia A, Serra L, Rodriguez-Arjona D, Benavides FG, Utzet M (2024). Understanding return to work after a cancer-related sickness absence. Perceptions of barriers and facilitators among all relevant stakeholders. Psycho-Oncology (
- Pérez-Burriel M, Serra L, Fernández-Peña R (2024). How can we ensure limited individual tutorial time is reflective? The reflective individual tutoring model for higher education. Reflective Practice, 1-17.
Toledo C, Díaz-Avalos C, Chaudhuri S, Serra L, Juan P (2024). Understanding Wildfire Occurrence and Size in Jalisco, Mexico: A Spatio-Temporal Analysis. Forest Ecology and Management, 573, 122349.
Ayala-Garcia A, Benavides FG, Serra L (2023). Labour market participation after sickness absence due to cancer: a dynamic cohort study in Catalonia (Spain). BMC Public Health, 23(1), 2477.
Chaudhuri S, Juan P, Serra L, Varga D, Saez M (2023). Modeling Spatial Dependencies of Natural Hazards in Coastal Regions: A Nonstationary Approach with Barriers. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 37(11), 4479-4498.
- Vega Álvarez F, Agudelo-Suárez A A, Brocal, F, Delclós, J, García González, G, García, V, Ramada JM, Serra L, Vargas-Prada S, Utzet M, Serra C (2023). Archivos, posicionada en la senda del impacto. Archivos de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, 26(1), 11-19.
- Juan P, Braulio-Gonzalo, Díaz-Ávalos C, Bovea M, *Serra L (2022). Bayesian and network models with covariate effects for predicting heating energy demand. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 43, 100547.
- Serra L, Silva JI, Vall-Llosera L (2022). The unemployment effects of closing non-essential activities during the COVID-19 lockdown: The Spanish municipalities. Economic Analysis and Policy, 76, 806-819.
- Vall·llosera L, *Serra L, Saurina C, Sanz-Barbero B, Vives-Cases C, López MJ, Otero-Garcia L, Pérez G, Renart G (2022). Prevalence of sexual harassment among young Spaniards before, during, and after the COVID-19 lockdown period in Spain. Q2 BMC Public Health, 22(1), 1-14.
- Boqué P, Saez M, Serra L (2022). Need to go further: using INLA to discover limits and chances of burglaries’ spatiotemporal prediction in heterogeneous environments. Crime Science, 11(1), 1-22.
- Serra L, Detotto C, Vannin, M (2022). Public lands as a mitigator of wildfire burned area using a spatio-temporal model applied in Sardinia. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 1-15.
- Serra L, Vall-llosera Casanovas L, Varga D, Saurina Canals C, Saez M, Renart Vicens G (2022). Analysis of the geographic pattern of the police reports for domestic violence in Girona (Spain). BMC Public Health, 22(1), 1-11.
- Vall-llosera Casanovas L, Renart Vicens G, Saurina Canals C, Serra L (2022). Entrepreneurial skills in university degrees. Intangible Capital, 18(2), 182-194.
- Forcada-Parilla I, Reig-Garcia G, Serra L, Juvinyà-Canal D (2022). The influence of doing shift work on the lifestyle habits of primary care nurses. Nursing Reports, 12(2), 291-303.
- Vinuesa RV, Serra C, Serra L, Benavides FG, (2022). Sickness absence, medical and workplace conditions during pregnancy in a cohort of healthcare workers. Archivos de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, 25(2), 101-118.
- Serra L, Farrants K, Alexanderson K, Ubalde M, Lallukka T (2022). Trajectory analyses in insurance medicine studies: Examples and key methodological aspects and pitfalls. PLoS ONE 17(2): e0263810.
- Serra L, Detotto C, Juan P, Vannini M (2022). Intersectoral and spatial spill‑overs of firms’ bankruptcy in Spain. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 15(2), 197-211.
- Ayala-García A, Serra L, Hernando-Rodriguez JC, Benavides FG (2021). Returning to work after a sickness absence due to cancer: a cohort study of salaried workers in Catalonia (Spain). Scientific Reports, 11(1): 1-11.
- Sanz-Barbero B, Saurina C, Serra L, Renart Vicens G, Vall-llosera L, Otero-García L, López MJ, Perez G, Vives-Cases C (2021). Prevalence and associated factors with sexual violence victimisation youth before, during and after the COVID-19 lockdown: a cross-sectional study in Spain. BMJ Open, 11(11): e055227.
- Renart Vicens G, Vall-llosera Casanovas L, Saurina Canals C, Serra L (2021). Entrepreneurship analysis in Spanish universities. Higher Education, Skills and work-based learning, 12(1), 178-190.
- Chaudhuri S, Juan P, Serra L (2021). Analysis of precise climate pattern of Maldives. A complex island structure. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 44, 101789.
- Susak H, Serra-Saurina L, Demidov G, Rabionet R, Domènech L, Bosio M, ... & Ossowski S (2021). Efficient and flexible Integration of variant characteristics in rare variant association studies using integrated nested Laplace approximation. PLoS computational biology, 17(2), e1007784.
- Ayala-Garcia A, Serra L, Ubalde-Lopez M (2021). Association between early working life patterns, in publicly and privately owned companies, and the course of future sickness absence due to mental disorders: a cohort study in Catalonia (Spain). BMJ open, 11(2), e040480.
- Díaz-Avalos C, Juan P, Chaudhuri S, Sáez M, Serra L (2020). Association between the New COVID-19 Cases and Air Pollution with Meteorological Elements in Nine Counties of New York State. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(23), 9055.
- Hernando-Rodriguez JC, Serra L, Benavides FG, Ubalde-Lopez M (2020). Sickness absence trajectories following labour market participation patterns: a cohort study in Catalonia (Spain), 2012-2014. BMC Public Health, 20(1), 1-16.
- Boqué P, Serra L, Saez M (2020). “Surfing” burglaries with forced entry in Catalonia. Large-scale testing of near repeat victimisation theory. European Journal of Criminology, 19(6), 1327-1348.
- March A, Villar R, Ubalde-Lopez M, G Benavides F, Serra L (2020). Do birthrates contribute to sickness absence differences in women? A cohort study in Catalonia, Spain, 2012-2014. PLoS One, 15(8), e0237794.
- Serra L, Ubalde-Lopez M, G.Benavides F (2020). Incapacidad permanente y mortalidad prematura en una cohorte de afiliados a la Seguridad Social en España, 2004-2015. Gaceta Sanitaria.
- Trilles S, Belen Vicente A, Juan P, Ramos F, Meseguer S, Serra L (2019). Reliability Validation of a Low-Cost Particulate Matter IoT Sensor in Indoor and Outdoor Environments Using a Reference Sampler. Sustainability, 11(24), 7220.
- Bussu A, Detotto C, Serra L (2019). Indicators to prevent university drop-out and delayed graduation: an Italian case. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education.
- Ubalde-Lopez M;,Hernando-Rodriguez JC, Benavides FG, Serra L (2019). Trajectories of sickness absence among salaried workers: evidence from the WORKss cohort in Catalonia (Spain), 2012-2014. BMJ Open, 9(7), e029092.
- Lear-Claveras A, Ubalde-Lopez M, Serra L (2019). Labor market situation after an episode of sickness absence due to malignant neoplasia. Evidence from a Spanish cohort. BMC Public Health, 19(1), 506.
- Villar R, Serra L, Serra C, Benavides FG (2019). Working conditions and absence from work during pregnancy in a cohort of healthcare workers. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 76(4), 236-242.
- Arroyo E, Cabrera-León A, Renart G, Saurina C, Serra L, Daponte A, & Saez M. (2019). Did psychotropic drug consumption increase during the 2008 financial crisis? A cross-sectional population-based study in Spain. BMJ Open, 9(1), e021440.
- Detotto C, Serra L, Vannini M (2018). Did specialised courts affect the frequency of business bankruptcy petitions in Spain? European Journal of Law and Economics.
- Colomer J, Serra L, Cañabate D, Serra T. (2018) Evaluating Knowledge and Assessment-Centered Reflective-Based Learning Approaches. Sustainability, 10, 3122. doi: 10.3390/su10093122
- Villar R, Benavides FG, Serra L, Serra C. (2018) Prestación por riesgo durante el embarazo e incapacidad temporal en una cohorte de trabajadoras del parc de salut mar (Barcelona, España). Gaceta-D-17-00481R2 (in press)
- Vicente AB, Juan P, Meseguer S, Díaz-Avalos C, *Serra L (2018). Variability of PM10 in industrialized-urban areas. New coefficients to establish significant differences between sampling points. Environmental Pollution 234: 969-978
- López Gómez MA, Serra, L, Delclos GL, Benavides FG. (2017). Employment history indicators and mortality in a nested case-control study from the Spanish WORKing life social security (WORKss) cohort. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0178486
- Solans M, *Serra L, Renart G, Osca-Gelis G, Comas R, Vilardell L, Gallardo D, Marcos-Gragera R. (2017). Incidence and survival of Hodgkin lymphoma patients in Girona (Spain) over three decades: a population-based study. Eur J Cancer Prev. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28590273
- Alsina A, Ayllón S, Colomer J, Fernández Peña R, Fullana J, Pallisera M, Pérez-Burriel M, *Serra L. (2017). Improving and evaluating reflective narratives: A rubric for higher education students. Improving and evaluating reflective narratives: A rubric for higher education students. Teaching and Teacher Education 63: 148-158.
- López-Ruiz M, Mancebo N, Pérez K, *Serra L, Benavides FG.(2017). Lesiones mortales de tráfico en España relacionadas con el trabajo según el motivo del desplazamiento y según sexo (2010-2013). Rev.Esp. Salud Pública 91: e1-e8
- Serra L, López Gómez MA, Sanchez-Niubo A, Delclos GL, Benavides FG (2017). Application of latent growth modeling to identify different working life trajectories: the case of the Spanish WORKss cohort. Scandinavian Journal of Work Environmental Health, 43(1):42-49
- Cabrera-León A, Daponte A, Mateo I, Arroyo E, Bartoll X, Bravo MJ, Felicitas M, Renart G, Álvarez-dardet C, Martí-dell’olmo M, Bolívar J, Saez M, Escribà-agüir V, Palència L, López MJ, Saurina C, Puig V, Martín U, Gotsens M, Borrell C, Serra L, Sordo L, Bacigalupe A, Rodríguez-sanz M, Pérez G, Espelt A, Ruiz M, Bernal M. (2017). Indicadores contextuales para evaluar los deteminantes sociales de la salud y la crisis económica espanyola. Gaceta Sanitaria 31(3): 194-203.
- Díaz-Avalos C, Juan P, *Serra L (2016). Modeling fire size of wildfires in Castellon (Spain), using spatiotemporal marked point processes. Forest Ecology and Management 381: 360-369
- Serra L, Saez M, Juan P, Varga D, Mateu J. (2014). A spatio-temporal Poisson Hurdle point process to model wildfires. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 28 (7), 1671-1684.
- Serra L, Saez M, Mateu J, Varga D, Juan P, Diaz-Ávalos C, Rue H. (2014). Spatio-temporal log Gaussian Cox processes for modelling wildfire occurrence. The case of Catalonia, 1994-2008. Environmental Ecologic and Statistics, DOI: 10.1007/s10651-013-0267-y.
- Serra L, Juan P, Varga D, Mateu J, Saez M. (2013). Spatial pattern modelling of wildfires in Catalonia, Spain 2004-2008. Enviromental Modelling & Software, 40, 235-244.
- Daponte A, Cabrera-León A, Mateo I, Espinosa E, Arroyo E, Saez M, Renart G, Saurina C, Serra L, Bartoll X, Bravo Mj, Domínguez-Berjón Mf, López Mj, Álvarez-Dardet C, Marí-Dell'olmo M, Bolívar J, Escribà-Agüira V, Palència L. (2019). Atlas de los determinantes sociales de la salud en España. Evolución y variabilidad entre las Comunidades Autónomas. Granada: Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública.
- Barceló MA, Renart G, Coenders G, Saez M, Vall·llosera L, Saurina C, Escaramís G, Coromina Ll, Serra L, Arroyo E. (2019). Estadística i Econometria amb RStudio. Quaderns 14. Girona: Documenta Universitaria/UdG-publicacions.
- Serra L, Juan P, Varga D (2017). Spatial prediction and mapping temperature. Classical kriging and INLA. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-330-07571-9
- Serra L (2014). Mixed models and point processes. Statistical models for the prediction and prevention. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-659-56492-5
- Renart G, Serra L, Coenders G, Coromina Ll, Saurina C, Saez M. (2013) Estadística amb R-COMMANDER. Girona: Documenta Universitaria and University of Girona. ISBN: 978-84-9984-214-1.
Book Chapters
- Aragó P, Salvador P, Juan P, Díaz-Avalos C, Serra L, Sáez M, Varga D, Trilles S, Mateu J. Aplicación de modelos de procesos puntuales para la caracterización espacio-temporal del régimen de incendios en el este de España. VI Congreso Forestal Español, Vitoria, Junio 2013. ISBN: 978-84-937964-9-5.
- Serra L, Saez M, Varga D, Tobías A, Juan P, Mateu J. Spatio-temporal modelling of wildfires in Catalonia, Spain, 1994-2008, through log gaussian Cox processes. En Brebbia CA, Perona G (eds). Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Forest Fires III. ISBN: 978-1-84564-584-7. Southampton: WITpress, 2012, pp. 39-49.